Patocchi Marzolini

a leading law firm specialising in international arbitration & litigation since 2014

founded on 1 January 2014

by Paolo Michele Patocchi & Paolo Marzolini

Before establishing the firm Paolo Michele Patocchi and Paolo Marzolini have been working together for eight years in a national law firm in Geneva.

Acting as


We act as counsel in international arbitration proceedings in Switzerland and in other jurisdictions.

We represent clients before courts and the Swiss Federal Supreme Court.

We provide advice on a variety of contractual matters.

Our clients include multinational companies and top-tier financial institutions.

We will leave no stone unturned to win a case

Sitting as


We sit as arbitrators in a variety of international commercial and investment cases.

Our cases have their seat in Switzerland and other jurisdictions worldwide.

We will leave no stone unturned to win a case.

Core values

Our clients benefit from a pro-active, tailor-made service, based on high-quality work and sustained partner attention.


Our firm is multicultural in outlook and we provide advice and representation in English, French, Italian and German.


Patocchi & Marzolini is an equal opportunity employer.

Sitting as


We also frequently sit as arbitrators in a variety of international commercial and investment cases.



We are active as counsel in international arbitration, in proceedings before the local courts and the Federal Supreme Court.

We represent clients in arbitration also in a number of other European jurisdictions.
Our clients include multinational companies and top-tier financial institutions.

News from Patocchi & Marzolini

Latest news & cases

Paolo Marzolini successfully represented along with foreign co-counsel a client in an international arbitration in Switzerland. The dispute related to a real estate property in Europe.

Paolo Michele Patocchi has been appointed by ICC Switzerland as a member of the Swiss Commission of Arbitration and ADR and the Swiss Delegation to the ICC Commission on Arbitration an ADR (2024-2027 mandate).

More news and cases

Latest publications

P.M. Patocchi

P. Marzolini

D. Durante

P. Marzolini, The Interplay Between Arbitration and Mediation in the New York and Singapore Conventions, in: Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, The Resolver, Winter 2023, 7-10.

P.M. Patocchi

P. Marzolini

D. Durante

P.M. Patocchi / D. Durante, SWITZERLAND, in: BOSMAN (Ed.), International Handbook on Commercial Arbitration, Alphen aan den Rijn 2023, Switzerland – 1-124.

More publications
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